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the entire Casey's Clubhouse curriculum
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the overview
30 Weeks:
30 Stories, 30 Lessons, and 30 Homeactivities.
Casey’s Clubhouse curriculum is a 30-lesson journey divided into six sections. It builds upon our six essential skills which are matched with six distinctive concepts. Each section rotates through five approaches to learning, to create our foundational pillars: ME, Energy, Emotions, Thoughts, and Behaviors. These repeated approaches reinforce the concepts and honor the different needs of different kinds of learners.
Every week, students watch a story from Casey's Adventures, followed by a guided lesson. Students then complete a homeactivity relating to the lesson.
Our animated series called Casey's Adventures follows the life of Casey, a 4th-Grade boy who overcomes social challenges like making friends, finding confidence before social events, problem-solving with friends, and handling bullying. -
The weekly animated lesson breaks down each corresponding chapter and teaches the skills that Casey himself learns and practices! Casey provides an example of the topic by demonstrating how it applies to the real world. -
A worksheet-style activity is sent home with each student to reinforce what was learned in the lesson. These homeactivities encourage students to include family members in their journey and share what Casey learned that week!
SECTION 1:Regulation • SCALE-ING
Chapter 1: Friendship Takes Courage
Chapter 1 Summary
A nervous Casey talks to his mom before bedtime about his fears for the first day of school. His mom reminds him that he’s gotten through similar experiences following rules in a group setting, and making friendship connections using the Three Simple Rules of Friendship.
Lesson 1: ME • SCALE-ing
Club members are introduced to the first section of learning called Regulation. We learn about the rules we follow at Casey’s Clubhouse that give us the best opportunities to learn how to make friends! The rules follow an acronym called SCALE-ING.
Homeactivity 1: Rules Rule!
Club members get the opportunity to brainstorm some rules of friendship that they think are important.
Chapter 2: The Frightful First Day of School
Chapter 2 Summary
Casey is off to his first day of school. Though he’s nervous, he remembers what his mom said about the Three Simple Rules of Friendship. Casey meets his teacher, who shows the class an energy regulation exercise and asks the kids to introduce themselves.
Lesson 2: Energy • Energy Scale
Club members learn about the Energy Scale, which goes from Low energy to High energy. There are ways we can bring our energy up or down in different kinds of situations, like the 5-Step SCALE Process.
Homeactivity 2: Energy Matters
Club members practice SCALE-ing their energy with their family members.
Chapter 3: The Befriending!
Chapter 3 Summary
Casey is eager to make new friends but worries that he won’t have the courage to. He reconnects with an acquaintance named Bridget from the previous year and they make plans to play during recess.
Lesson 3: Emotions • Emotion Scale
Club members learn about the Emotion Scale, which goes from Uncomfortable to Comfortable. Physical sensations in our bodies can give us hints to how we’re feeling. If we need to balance those sensations and get through challenging moments, we can use the 5-Step SCALE process of Emotions.
Homeactivity 3: Emotions in Motion
Club members practice SCALE-ing their emotions by thinking about how to navigate a challenging social situation. They have the opportunity to create Feeling Cards to help identify their emotions.
Chapter 4: Casey, The Mind Reader
Chapter 4 Summary
Casey and Bridget want to add another friend to their imaginary play game at recess. As Casey approaches Isaac, a friend from last year, he “mind reads” that Isaac isn’t going to like him anymore.
Lesson 4: Thoughts • Thought Scale
Club members learn about the Thought Scale, which goes from Negative to Positive. Sometimes negative thoughts pester us to make negative predictions or mind-read what our peers are thinking about us. We can balance those negative thoughts using the 5-Step SCALE Process of Thoughts.
Homeactivity 4: Mind Reading
Club members play a Mind-Reading Mini Game where they attempt to read another person’s thoughts. They then have the opportunity to practice SCALE-ing one of their current thoughts.
Chapter 5: The Great Rock of Friendship
Chapter 5 Summary
Casey gets invited to Isaac’s birthday party but learns that his best friend Bridget isn’t invited. He instantly worries that he’s going to be all alone at Isaac’s party because he doesn’t know any of the other kids!
Lesson 5: Behaviors • Friendship Scale
Club members learn about the Friendship Scale, which goes from Unfriendly to Friendly. Sometimes the friendly pebbles we add to the Friendship scale just lead to friendliness between two people, and other times the pebbles add up to friendship. We can think about how our behaviors affect friendship by using the 5-Step SCALE Process of Friendship.
Homeactivity 5: Just Pebbles
Club members practice using the 5-Step Scale Process of Friendship by thinking about a recent social situation or relationship.
SECTION 2: Awareness • Authoring your Life
Chapter 6: Casey Juggles Friends
Chapter 6 Summary
Casey accidentally makes promises to two friends: a new friend he made at Isaac’s birthday party, and his best friend Bridget. When he can only fulfill one of them, the other friend feels hurt. Casey has to problem-solve his way through this predicament!
Lesson 6: ME • Authoring Friendship
Club members are introduced to a new section of learning called Awareness. We are the author of our lives. As authors, we grow in our awareness of what we like, who we are, how we think and feel, and discover ways to write our own stories. We can ask ourselves, what does it mean to be a friend? What kind of friend would I like to have?
Homeactivity 6: Friend Wanted
Club members write a “Want Ad” for a friend and get to choose friendship qualities that are important to them.
Chapter 7: Timmy the Tiger and Other Broken Toys
Chapter 7 Summary
Isaac comes over for a playdate. Casey’s excitement soon turns into frustration when Isaac’s energy gets out of control and leads to Casey’s room and toys becoming a mess.
Lesson 7: Energy • Authoring Play
Club members learn about what it means to author a successful get-together or playdate, and how to use regulation skills to manage and achieve those expectations.
Homeactivity 7: Playwriting
Club members practice writing “scripts” for play by reading scenes and choosing what they believe to be the best option to move the script forward.
Chapter 8: Bittersweet Cherries
Chapter 8 Summary
Casey’s morning starts out with an unexpected bad moment, and he writes the story that three bad moments equals a bad day. What he doesn’t realize is how this will affect his mood for the rest of his day and the people around him.
Lesson 8: Emotions • Authoring Happy
Club members learn that the focus of our thoughts matter. If we focus on the positive, we tend to feel happier. If we get stuck on the bitter, we miss the sweet. We can use strategies like Goal Pies to recover from bitter moments and change our focus on the sweet moments.
Homeactivity 8: Emotions Pie
Club members fill out a “Current” Pie of emotions, and then a Goal Pie. We learn that if we increase our awareness of how we are feeling daily and set goals for happiness, it is easier to change our focus and strive towards the positive.
Chapter 9: The Narrator Inside Casey's Head
Chapter 9 Summary
Casey is nervous to see his friends again after letting his bad mood affect their relationship the day before. He battles with the negative thoughts that the little Negative Casey on his shoulder keeps whispering into his ear. Luckily, Positive Casey is on his other shoulder to provide more realistic and positive self-talk!
Lesson 9: Thoughts • Authoring Your Day
Club members learn that we are the narrators of our own stories. We cannot control everything that happens to us in our day, we get to tell our story in our own words. Our self-talk influences our energy, emotions, and behaviors. We can use skills to talk to ourselves in our heads more positively, and keep the negative thoughts at bay.
Homeactivity 9: Level UP!
Club members practice using the 6 Essential Skills of Self-Talk by creating a character to get through a Negative Thought obstacle course.
Chapter 10: The Chess Dance
Chapter 10 Summary
Casey sees a flyer at his school for chess club. He asks his parents if he can join, and they agree but remind Casey that focusing on the fun-factor will help him have a great time with friends. On his first day, he faces a fifth-grader named Daniel, who spends the whole time bragging about how good he is. What will Casey do to keep his focus on having fun?
Lesson 10: Behaviors • Authoring Fun
Club members learn how to author fun moments by keeping friendship and the fun-factor front and center. When we get too caught up in being right, winning, or being the best during competitive games, we can lose the fun element of the game!
Homeactivity 10: Win/Win
Club members practice playing a game with their family members and then answer some questions about their experience.
SECTION 3: Determination • Two Sides of Friendship
Chapter 11: The Unfriending!
Chapter 11 Summary
During their imaginary game at recess, Casey makes a joke while Bridget is trying to direct the story. Bridget gets upset thinking Casey isn’t taking the game seriously. To Casey’s surprise, Bridget “unfriends’ Casey during the next recess.
Lesson 11: ME • Two Sides: Pros and Cons
Club members are introduced to a new section called Determination, which is the energy behind achieving our goals. The journey toward a goal is often met with both positive and negative experiences: Pros and Cons. We cannot have one without the other, even in friendship, but the balance is important.
Homeactivity 11: Pros Vs. Cons
Club members brainstorm some pros and cons of friendship.
Chapter 12: The Box of Tissue
Chapter 12 Summary
Casey talks to his dad about what he can do to fix his friendship with Bridget. They talk about what makes a healthy friendship and how compliments can make your friends feel important and heard. Casey puts his new skills to the test at school when his teacher Mrs. Morrison facilitates a conversation between him and Bridget.
Lesson 12: Energy • Two Sides: Giving and Receiving
Club members learn more about one of the Rules of Friendship: giving and receiving compliments.
Homeactivity 12: Giving and Receiving
Club members practice giving compliments to a friend, a grown-up and themself.
Chapter 13: Casey Reads Faces
Chapter 13 Summary
Casey and his little sister Mallory get into an argument. Casey’s mom helps facilitate a healthy discussion of feelings between the two siblings, teaching Casey how to use verbal and facial cues as hints.
Lesson 13: Emotions • Two Sides: Hearing and Seeing
Club members learn that hearing verbal cues and seeing facial cues helps one understand how others might be feeling.
Homeactivity 13: I Hear You, I See You
Club members practice matching emotions to pictures of facial cues and descriptions of hearing cues.
Chapter 14: VAPorize!
Chapter 14 Summary
Bridget teaches Casey a skill called VAPorize to validate, assess, and problem-solve some feelings he’s having about his friends Joe and Samay.
Lesson 14: Thoughts • Two Sides: Positive and Negative
Club members learn about a thought-challenging skill called VAPorize, which starts with validating your feelings, then assessing what’s true and untrue about your thought, and finally problem-solving the situation prompting the thought.
Homeactivity 14: VAPorize Thoughts
Club members practice VAPorizing thoughts with our VAPorize worksheet.
Chapter 15: Battle at the Chess Tournament
Chapter 15 Summary
Casey gets invited to participate in his school district’s chess tournament. A nervous Casey must practice his skills of positive self-talk and focusing on the fun-factor, especially when he meets his opponent.
Lesson 15: Behaviors • Two Sides: You and Me
Club members learn about two essential components to a relationship: the you and the me. Friendship is a two-way street!
Homeactivity 15: Just the Two of Us!
Club members practice using their skills from Section Three during an activity with their friends or family members.
Chapter 1: Friendship Takes Courage
Lesson 1: ME • SCALE-ING
Homeactivity 1: Rules Rule!
Chapter 2: The Frightful First Day of School
Lesson 1: ME • SCALE-ING
Homeactivity 1: Rules Rule!
Chapter 2: The Frightful First Day of School
Chapter 1: Friendship Takes Courage
- Lesson 1: ME • SCALE-ING
- Homeactivity 1: Rules Rule!
- Lesson 1: ME • SCALE-ING
- Homeactivity 1: Rules Rule!
Chapter 2: The Frightful First Day of School
- Lesson 2: Energy • Energy Scale
- Homeactivity 2: Energy Matters
- Lesson 2: Energy • Energy Scale
- Homeactivity 2: Energy Matters
Chapter 3: The Befriending!
- Lesson 3: Emotions • Emotion Scale
- Homeactivity 3: Emotions in Motion
- Lesson 3: Emotions • Emotion Scale
- Homeactivity 3: Emotions in Motion
Chapter 4: Casey, The Mind Reader
- Lesson 4: Thoughts • Thought Scale
- Homeactivity 4: Mind Reading
- Lesson 4: Thoughts • Thought Scale
- Homeactivity 4: Mind Reading
Chapter 5: The Great Rock of Friendship
- Lesson 5: Behaviors • Friendship Scale
- Homeactivity 5: Just Pebbles
- Lesson 5: Behaviors • Friendship Scale
- Homeactivity 5: Just Pebbles
SECTION 4: Problem-Solving • Four-Square Problem-Solving
Chapter 16: The Joke
Chapter 16 Summary
Casey is spending recess with his new friend Daniel and Daniel’s friend group. He tells a joke which leads to one of Daniel’s friends teasing Daniel. Daniel deals with his hurt feelings in a dangerous way and Casey is left to sort the situation out.
Lesson 16: ME • Four-Square Problems
Club members are introduced to a new section called Problem-Solving with our Four-Square Problem chart, which teaches the difference between small and big problems. We also learn the difference between friends, “frienemies” and enemies.
Homeactivity 16: Problems, Problems, Problems
Club members brainstorm examples for the four types of problems in our Four-Square Problem chart.
Chapter 17: Elephant Snake Venom
Chapter 17 Summary
Casey and Bridget have a disagreement during their imaginary play game. The friends use their skills to calm their frustration and problem-solve together.
Lesson 17: Energy • Four-Square Reactions: Energy
Club members learn about Frustration Energy, which is when angry emotions create negative energy that builds up inside of you. When we feel like we’re going to burst, we either Act In–letting the energy create problems inside of us–or Act Out, letting that energy out at our friends and create problems for the relationship.
Homeactivity 17: Frustration Energy
Club members write about what would happen if Bridget acted out, acted in, or used skills to get calm.
Chapter 18: Testing Day
Chapter 18 Summary
Testing Day is usually Casey’s favorite day of the year because of all the free time you get after you finish your test. However, this year doesn’t go as planned. Can Casey use his skills to deal with the unexpected changes?
Lesson 18: Emotions • Four-Square Reactions: Feelings
Club members learn that sometimes our feelings can cause us to “act in” on ourselves or “act out” on our friends, even if we don’t mean to hurt them. We can use calming strategies to “power down” our feelings and regulate our bodies when we are in states of fear, anger, or anxiety.
Homeactivity 18: Ocean Breeze
Club members learn two calming strategies to use during the week and then record and rate the experience.
Chapter 19: It's Monkey!
Chapter 19 Summary
Casey imagines the day’s momentous events in Bridget’s perspective, and how she used the phrase “It’s Monkey!” to know when a situation with Daniel got too big for their friend group to handle on their own.
Lesson 19: Thoughts • Four-Square Reactions: Thoughts
Club members learn about perspective, which is a way of thinking that measures the size of one problem against another problem. When our emotions magnify smaller problems into feeling like big problems, we can use the silly phrase “It’s Monkey!” to remind ourselves to use perspective.
Homeactivity 19: Perspective
Club members practice determining what kind of problems they can handle and what kind of problems require adult help.
Chapter 20: Targeted
Chapter 20 Summary
Casey really doesn’t want to go to school and deal with threatening bullying behavior from Daniel, who just returned back from a suspension due to the other day’s events. Casey breaks down at the breakfast table, and he and his parents make a plan to talk to the school administration about his safety.
Lesson 20: Behaviors • Four-Square Solutions
Club members are introduced to the Four-Square Solutions Chart to learn about possible solutions for different types of problems.
Homeactivity 20: I Can Solve It!
Club members examine varying degrees of problems and determine where they land on the Four-Square Problem Chart, and then brainstorm how they can respond with a solution.
SECTION 5: Confidence • Friendship Bill of Rights
Chapter 21: Friendship Rights
Chapter 21 Summary
Casey has agreed to have a “friendship chat” with Daniel and the school counselor. He practices advocating for himself and discussing friendship rights and responsibilities with Daniel.
Lesson 21: ME • Friendship Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Club members are introduced to a new section called Confidence, which talks about following the Friendship Bill of Rights AND Responsibilities to feel confident in a friendship.
Homeactivity 21: My Rights, Your Rights
Club members examine different scenarios of Casey’s Adventures to determine what Rights and Responsibilities guide each of the characters.
Chapter 22: The "Accounting" of Friendship
Chapter 22 Summary
Casey experiences the positive and negative “transactions” of friendship as Joe and Samay have an argument at the lunch table. He imagines their friendship as a bank account with positive deposits–compliments and apologies–and negative withdrawals–teasing and arguing.
Lesson 22: Energy • Friendship Bill of Rights: Energy
Club members learn about positive reciprocity. Reciprocity is the give and take in relationships; when we act positively towards a friend, often we are met with positive actions in return! When our friendship rights and responsibilities are broken over and over again in a relationship, this can create a negative loop in a friendship.
Homeactivity 22: Friendship Accounting
Club members practice balancing a friendship “bank account” by labeling actions as withdrawals or deposits.
Chapter 23: "I Feel..."
Chapter 23 Summary
During a pivotal morning moment, Casey and his mom talk about using “I feel” statements to communicate how we’re feeling to others instead of letting uncomfortable feelings build up inside of us and affect our behaviors. Casey practices using “I feel” statements throughout the school day. Accordion Description
Lesson 23: Emotions • Friendship Bill of Rights: Feelings
Club members learn that when we hold our feelings inside, we can act them out in negative ways. When we verablize our feelings, we let the people know how we are experiencing the world around us.
Homeactivity 23: Unstuffed Bag
Club members practice creating “I feel” statements by using a plastic bag overfilled with marbles or toys, representing the built-up emotions inside of us.
Chapter 24: I AM CASEY!
Chapter 24 Summary
When Casey is feeling nervous about being a beginner at soccer on his school’s team, he talks to Bridget about all the special things that make Casey… Casey!
Lesson 24: Thoughts • Friendship Bill of Rights: Thoughts
Club members learn about positive affirmations: positive statements we can say to ourselves to remind us that we are unique and valued just as we are.
Homeactivity 24: I AM
Club members practice writing positive affirmations.
Chapter 25: Game Day
Chapter 25 Summary
Casey feels very panicky when his mother reminds him that he will play in today’s soccer game, even though he’s a new member on the team. She teaches him a skill called “Imagine If,” where you imagine yourself as if you’re already a skilled player. This gives him the confidence to get out on the field and try his best.
Lesson 25: Behaviors • Friendship Bill of Rights: Actions
Club members think about their friendship strengths and weaknesses–friendship rights and responsibilities that you actively fulfill and value, and friendship rights and responsibilities that you disregard or forget. The “Imagine If” technique helps us set goals and visualize ourselves practicing those actions that we tend to disregard.
Homeactivity 25: Goal Setting
Club members brainstorm their friendship strengths and weaknesses and set goals using the “Imagine If” technique.
SECTION 6: Mastery • You Teach ME!
Chapter 26: Independence Day
Chapter 26 Summary
Casey spends the morning independently getting himself dressed and ready for school. He brings his newfound confidence to school and decides to be an upstander for a third grader Daniel is picking on while waiting for school to start. He stands up for the third grader while reminding his friend Daniel that bullying behavior is not okay.
Lesson 26: ME • You Teach ME! Kids Teach the Teachers!
Club members are introduced to the last section of learning called Mastery. Mastery is the ability and knowledge to use a skill effectively. Once you learn skills, you become more independent and confident.
Homeactivity 26: You Teach
Club members start prepping a presentation to teach their family members or classmates about a topic they learned at Casey’s Clubhouse.
Chapter 27: Superpowers
Chapter 27 Summary
Casey decides to bring one of his dad’s fragile vintage comic books to school since his friends are playing a superhero imaginary game. Things quickly go wrong when his friends Isaac and Bridget become dysregulated arguing over the comic book. Casey might not be able to repair the ripped comic book, but he CAN talk to his friend Isaac, who feels like a troublemaker because of his hyperactivity.
Lesson 27: Energy • You Teach ME! Kids Teach the Teachers!
Club members learn that our social skills are superpowers. They teach us to love ourselves as we are: strengths AND weaknesses, and how to be aware of our uniqueness, energy, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors as we experience the world around us.
Homeactivity 27: Gaining Wisdom
Club members are asked to collect wisdom from classmates, teachers, or parents about friendship and social skills.
Chapter 28: Presentation Day
Chapter 28 Summary
Casey had struggled to come up with an expertise to present to his class, but realized he had an expertise in making friends. Even though some of his classmates tease him for his presentation subject, he finds confidence in his decision after speaking to some trusted adults about it. How will Casey’s presentation go?
Lesson 28: Emotions • You Teach ME! Kids Teach the Teachers!
Club members learn about what it means to have an “expertise” in something. You might not be perfect at something, but if you are skilled, work hard, and continue to develop it, you can become an expert!
Homeactivity 28: Expert!
Club members think about what they’d like to have an expertise in.
Chapter 29: Last Day of School
Chapter 29 Summary
Casey went to bed so excited for the Last Day of School carnival but is heartbroken when he wakes up to rain. He talks to his mom about managing expectations and tries to stay positive about the day’s events. When an alternative surprise is promised, Casey must continue to stay regulated and manage his ever-changing expectations for the day.
Lesson 29: Thoughts • You Teach ME! Kids Teach the Teachers!
Club members learn about expectations, which can prepare us for an event or a person, or set us up for disappointment. How we apply our expectations and respond to them is a skill that takes regulation, awareness, determination, problem-solving, and confidence! Luckily that’s exactly what we’ve been practicing at Casey’s Clubhouse.
Homeactivity 29: Expectations
Club members think about what is expected from them in a friendship, and what they expect out of others.
Chapter 30: Summer Camp: Friendship Takes Courage
Chapter 30 Summary
Casey feels nervous about the start of summer camp the next day. He and his parents have a very similar conversation from the one they had at the start of the new school year! They come up with a plan for Casey to write a list of ideas on how to make new friends.
Lesson 30: Behaviors • Graduation!
Club members have a very big reason to celebrate! We have finished our 30-Lesson journey at Casey’s Clubhouse. Club members receive a certificate of completion.
Homeactivity 30: Friendship Challenge
We leave club members with a list of skills and ideas for friendship that can be referenced any time they need a helpful reminder!

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The School Essential Classroom Subscription allows for a teacher to show the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum to an unlimited number of students during class, and print and hand out worksheets and Homeactivities to work on at home. This Subscription does not include Student Add-On Memberships for students to access curriculum from home.
As a startup bonus, we are offering the opportunity to share a discount code to two colleagues so they can access our Professional Membership at a discount. This way, you can build a network between you and your colleagues and share experiences and tips with each other that come with using the Casey's Clubhouse curriculum.
What is a Student Add-On Membership?
With the purchase of a professional subscription, you will also be able to share a discounted Student Membership option with your club members, clients, or students so they can purchase and access the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum at home through their own logins. The Student Membership Add-On is originally $101 but is discounted at $59.
What is a Student Add-On Membership?
The purchase of the School Essential Plus Classroom Subscription includes 10, 20, or 30 Student Add-On Membership codes to send to your students, so your students can access the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum at home through their own logins.
What's included in the Casey's Clubhouse Curriculum?
The curriculum is comprised of six sections of learning: Regulation, Awareness, Determination, Problem-Solving, Confidence, and Mastery.
You can either lead club members or clients through the entire 30-Week curriculum, from Regulation to Mastery, or you can choose one of our skills-building units for a 5 or 10-Week curriculum.
Not only do you get access to all 30 of our animated stories and lessons, but you'll get a selection of lesson plans and instructions, worksheets, home activities, posters, coloring pages, and more.
Our professional subscription includes everything you need for whichever application you choose--whether that's our 30-Week program, our 5-Week units, or our independent one-on-one client curriculum.
You can either lead club members or clients through the entire 30-Week curriculum, from Regulation to Mastery, or you can choose one of our skills-building units for a 5 or 10-Week curriculum.
Not only do you get access to all 30 of our animated stories and lessons, but you'll get a selection of lesson plans and instructions, worksheets, home activities, posters, coloring pages, and more.
Our professional subscription includes everything you need for whichever application you choose--whether that's our 30-Week program, our 5-Week units, or our independent one-on-one client curriculum.
Let's be clear:
We don't think there's anything controversial about learning empathy, or being emotionally regulated and resilient.
In fact, we think a lot of grown-ups could benefit from some social-emotional learning.
Powered by the Magic of Animation!
Casey's Clubhouse empowers children ages 6-12 with hearty mental health skills by providing professionals and parents
with a comprehensive animated social-emotional curriculum that:
with a comprehensive animated social-emotional curriculum that:
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Becoming a member with us means that you get:
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Write your awesome label here.

Casey's Clubhouse empowers children ages 6-12 with hearty mental health skills by providing professionals and parents with a comprehensive animated
social-emotional curriculum that teaches:
social-emotional curriculum that teaches:
Regulation: Developing calming skills so kids can regulate their energy, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in ways that make sense to their unique selves.
Awareness: Learning observational and mindfulness skills so kids can be aware of how they're feeling on the inside, and what's happening around them.
Determination: Identifying goals, assessing them in relation to their ability to get there, coming up with the steps, and then putting the steps into action.
Problem-Solving: Creating a framework to conceptualize and organize problems of varying degrees, and finding healthy solutions to those problems.
Confidence: Following a bill of fair, respectful, and compassionate Friendship Rights and Responsibilities to increase advocacy skills and self-worth.
Mastery: Feeling confident in the ability to use a skill so effectively, easily, and appropriately, that they can successfully teach another. Great for supporting our Peer Leaders.
When you become a member with us, you get:
30 animated stories and lessons about Casey and his friendship struggles and successes.
A comprehensive curriculum of lesson plans, home activities, worksheets, coloring pages, music, and more.
Ample resources for the grown-ups in a child's life.
Guaranteed assistance and customer service.
The amazing feeling that comes with making a difference in kid's lives, without having to reinvent the wheel to do so.
Write your awesome label here.